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Sun’s Up, Sun’s Down Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall

Frank Lucas • October 7, 2024
A bald man with a beard wearing a blue sweater smiles for the camera

Sun's Up, Sun's Down

Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall

It’s rare to read an author’s review of their work.This review is the exception. I set out to provide readers with a North Star to help guide them out of the 21st century state of confusion and frustration - back to a place where he or she can take control of the wellbeing of their body, mind and spirit. The books are here - and they're powerful! 


If we were standing face-to-face and I asked you: “Are your physical, dietary, and mental choices supporting or detracting from your wellbeing?”  What would you say? (Other than “What in the world are you talking about?”)

You can’t know what you don’t know.

Your likely hesitancy when answering my question points out a simple fact: the demands and conveniences of the hurry-up 21st century is interfering with the needs of the human body, mind and spirit, thereby affecting and/or preventing people from staying or becoming healthy.

Here’s a news flash: 

Life is linear.  Life has a defined beginning – birth and an unpredictable end – death. You won’t live forever.

Life requires shelter, nutrition and companionship.

Living is cyclical.  Humans are diurnal - which means we are programed to be active during the daytime hours – rest, repair, replace cells and tissue and detox during nighttime.

 Humans have two distinct metabolisms. When the sun’s up, catabolic metabolism fuels and supports all our daytime activities. When the sun goes down, the body switches to anabolic metabolism - cleaning up the waste it produced during the day, repairing or replacing damaged cells and tissue, building new cells and tissue that have worn out. 

And your metabolism follows the seasons, too – winter, spring, summer and fall – year after year, sunup, sundown, day after day – until it doesn’t.

I am constantly quoting Charles Swindoll ‘s statement “Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it." . . . because it is true – your choices have consequences – for better or worse.

What if there are books that can help you answer my opening question:“Are your physical, dietary, and mental choices supporting or detracting from your wellbeing?”

Would you read them?

Here’s an example of what you can learn for free! <Free Holist Health and Healing download.>

Here’s how to apply holistic, natural or integrative medicine to protect or improve your health. < learn how >

Here’s your chance to review the library of all my books. < Books for Sale on Amazon >

Life is Linear, Living is Cyclical, a guide for living life, < Learn more >

 Holistic Lifestyle Medicine Made Simple, methods, strategies and techniques< Learn more >

Creating Radiant Health < Learn more >

My associated booklets provide the reader the knowledge and tools to align their choices more effectively with the body’s needs - without sacrificing the benefits of the modern world.< Learn more > 

My books are, or can be available at libraries, many in-person or on-line book stores including Amazon.

“The More Things Change, the More They Stay the Same. ”This Jean-Baptiste Alfonse Karr, 18th Century Novelist’s famous quote is as true today as it was when it was first reported - because the fundamentals

may be forgotten but they never change. 

Better yet, you can add my books to your home library to help if you go astray.

It’s your life – it’s your choice.

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