Guided Learning
You Can’t Know What You Don’t Know
Charles Swindoll, Evangelic Pastor, author, and educator, is often quoted. He writes, “Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it." I prefer to say about the body and the world in general: “Living is simple when you know the rules. 90% of life is automatic; manage the other 10%, and you’ve got it whipped." Either quote sums it up beautifully: Staying or becoming healthy and centered can be simple, but it’s not easy if you don’t know the rules.
Because the spoken word is easy to manipulate or forgotten and the written word is permanent, these books and booklets should be part of your library for future reference. And, when one or more of these books helps you, refer or share them with family and friends so they too can know how wonderfully the body and the world work.
To my client, Stan, who encouraged me, "People need to know this stuff; you should write it down.”
I say “Thanks for the encouragement. Here it is. I hope the people who need it find it and follow its teaching.”
To Janelle, another long-time client who, after reviewing this information, said,
“It’s great except you forgot one thing—you forgot to say how proud you are of all your accomplishments and what you’ve done to help people.”
I say, “Thanks for the reminder. I always do my best and I am truly pleased to have been the messenger who helped people during their time of need.
To the people who are helping spread this message,
I say, “To quote my client, Stan, people need to know this stuff. Thanks for the help.”
To the people considering acquiring, using, and sharing the message,
I say, “Learning why and how to love your body can only pay dividends now and far into the future.”
The Triangle of Health is a Holistic Method, Natural Medicine Approach for Health and Healing.
The vagus nerve (one of 12 cranial nerves in the body) connects the digestive system directly with the brain. It’s responsible for various autonomic bodily functions, including digestion, heart rate, and breathing. The gut-brain connection theory underscores that the things we eat, drink, take, and breathe—and how they are digested, absorbed, and eliminated—determine bodily function and health. Basically, everything you put in or on your body impacts health and wellbeing—for better or worse.
The mind affects the body in many ways, including the release of powerful, long-lasting chemicals that make us happy, angry, fearful, or depressed. Mental, physical, and/or emotional stress can be detrimental over time, causing damage to body systems, creating sickness, and preventing healing.
Muscles, joints, bones, and organs need to operate efficiently so the nervous system can relay messages to and from the brain. Over or under rest and exertion, injuries, bacterial, viral, yeast, or parasitic infections can be detrimental over time, causing damage to body systems, creating sickness, and preventing healing.
First, discover the barriers blocking your body’s ability to stay or become healthy.
Next, build a plan to release your body’s power to restore true health.
Then, implement your plan when you’re satisfied with your personal action plan.
Staying or becoming physically and emotionally healthy sounds simple, but it’s not that easy when you don’t know the rules.
I’ve coauthored one book and written two books and 4 booklets to help you demystify the process.
I’ve used them extensively in my practice to help my clients navigate the process of protecting or improving their health. You can choose the appropriate book to guide and/or booklets to remind you, as a learner, while walking the path toward protecting or improving your health.
There are Practical Self Help or Guided Learning Plans to Help Achieve Holistic Health and Healing Objectives.
Three distinctly similar works (a book and 2 booklets), form this triad of holistic health and healing to help readers learn the rules. For example:
ANNOUNCING my newest release:
Lifestyle Medicine Made Simple, Methods, Strategies and Tactics is a 3 in 1 book bundle of my most popular module. It includes: (1)
A View of Health, (2)
Creating Radiant Health,
(3) Lifestyle Mapping. All 3 are bound together in one book - so you won’t risk misplacing these incredible resources. Plus, it will save you some money in the process.
Here’s how I organize the learning plan.
The Introduction – A View of Health.
This easy-to-understand booklet introduces the role of the human digestive tract and a cursory introduction to the consequences of neglect and the individual’s responsibilities regarding protecting their digestive tract – and their health.
The Core Textbook (Choose 1)
A. Creating Radiant Health, Keys to Releasing the Healing Powers Within.
It is, as it’s been called, “. . . the Owner’s Manual for the care and maintenance of your body that you should have received the day you were born”. In it, you will learn, in easy-to-understand, down to earth language, how the body works – with helpful suggestions for protecting or improving the body’s functions and structures.
B. Life is Linear–Living is Cyclical, How to Flourish in the Parts of Life you Control.
The shortened title could have been “It’s Your Life, it’s Your Choice – living in a binary world.” For all but a few unfortunate people, 90% is automatic, you manage the other 10%. You will choose your action; you will experience the consequence of your choice; it will produce an expected or an unexpected outcome. This book helps the reader celebrate life and identify, evaluate the living life situations, formulate, and implement a plan to produce their expected outcome.
C. How to Match Your Health Span to Your Lifespan.
This book examines and rekindles those fundamental rules and provides practical tactics that you can implement to improve the likelihood that you will be able to match your health span with your life span.
The Final Exercise – Lifestyle Mapping.
This booklet provides a tool for uncovering the root causes of your malaise and/or health dilemma. Once you’ve identified any deficiencies with your map, you can evaluate and implement the steps you should consider by referring to the Core Textbook or the learning modules(s) if appropriate.
I wrote all of them, so I don’t have to decide. Read the summaries and decide which work most closely describes the purpose of your investigation.
Note: I recommend reading all of them because they were written over the course of 10 years. Each of them contain additional nuggets of information to help clarify the process of living a healthful life and they’re will be a valuable resource in your personal library. You’ll need to decide
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