Unlock the body’s health and healing powers
The books and booklets are intended to help demystify the simple truths you need to know to help support your body’s ability to improve your health and well-being and smooth your journey through life.
They are affordable, easy to read and understand books and booklets that are compiled and organized according to the reader’s interests or needs, ranging from how the body works to the mind-body connection to the reader’s responsibilities when protecting or restoring their most valuable assets—their health and well-being.
Guide for living life
Your Map out of the Land of Confusion
Today, trying to survive, let alone flourish, in the constant barrage of opinions and “science says” is challenging for some and sadly impossible for others.
What if
– there is one place where you could find a way out of this barrage of confusion?
– one source that has stood the test of time, that doesn’t change with the actions and motives of strangers, has guided multitudes and generations of people through the ebbs and tides of their lives?
What if
– there’s a book to help guide you to that source?
Would you read it?
Life is Linear, Living is Cyclical
is the book
to help guide you out of the land of confusion.
Kindle: $9.99 Paperback: $16.71
Author Interview
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