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How Life Gets in the Way of Living

January 28, 2025

Choices have consequences that's how life gets in the way of living.
During a session, one of my clients shared this nugget: “I thought I’d live forever - I just didn’t think forever would come this soon!”

Then, the client spoke about all the “priorities” that seem to control his life and all the decisions it takes to accommodate them.

It made me think, too, about all the things that life demands – and how life gets in the way of living – so I charted it out.

Not Me, Why Me, Poor Me

While I’d rather be helping people stay as healthy as possible, people who make an appointment with me are usually seeking a means to address diminished health issues.

Often, it’s a moderate inconvenience like: Indigestion, Sore or cranky joints, Hormone imbalances, Stress, Yeast and the like.

Other times, it’s something more serious that’s affecting the client’s quality of life.

Then, there’s the client with a critical health issue that has stolen their health and their quality of life - seeking the “magic bullet”.

They are always surprised that “it” happened to them, frustrated with how their life has changed and the expected and unexpected side effects of their medical treatments.

A black and white drawing of a balance between work and life.

There are demographics for people, too.  

20+ year old adults think they’re bullet proof, 30+ experience moderate issues, 40+ have moderate to serious conditions, 50+ suffer serious to critical conditions and finally, there are people who, luckily, dodge the bullet and want to keep it that way. 

The top 5 causes of death are classified as degenerative diseases: heart diseases, strokes, cancers, chronic respiratory diseases and diabetic complications.

Depending on the nature of the complaint, there is: frustration with their complaints and/or disillusionment with their treatment(s), feeling of abandonment, and/or grief for the loss of their quality of life.

Traditional Medicine proclaims: “If detected early – they are manageable.”
. . .  which means your life will be prolonged, not necessarily improved.
All the associations of these various afflictions proclaim: “They are preventable!” - which means an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. 

A diagram showing how to look feel and think

Q: How Can You Prevent or Reverse Declining & Failing Health?

A: Put your priorities in balance. 

Start with overcoming the societal stressors of the 21st century lifestyle like media and advertising propaganda, science says manipulation and the faster, cheaper, easier mentality.

That’s easier said than done.

After 30+ years spent helping people change the inevitable trajectory of their choices. I have produced a portfolio of books and booklets to help guide you out of the land of confusion back to the safe harbor of time-honored common sense. 

Take a moment, review my portfolio, select and add one or more of them to your library for reference. 

A collection of books including one titled create radio health

It’s your life – it’s your choice.  < click here >

How Life Gets in the Way of Living

Living Life

Today, trying to survive, let alone flourish, in the constant barrage of opinions and “science says” is challenging for some and sadly impossible for others. 

What if – there’s one place where you could find information to help guide you out of this barrage of confusion? A source for information that has stood the test of time, that doesn’t change with the actions and motives of strangers, has guided multitudes and generations of people through the ebbs and tides of their lives?

What if – there’s a source to help guide you to that source is in 2 books?  Would you read them?

Life is Linear, Living is Cyclical is that book to help guide you out of the land of confusion.

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