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Simple, Not Easy

Frank Lucas • October 29, 2024

Simple, Not Easy

The word simple is written on a pile of rocks

Life requires 3 things:

1.       Nutrition (air, water and whole food)

2.       Shelter (protection from the elements)

3.       Companionship (safety, fellowship and reproduction)

Life is linear

The current life expectancy is 78 years. Life has a defined beginning – when you are born and an indefinite end.

There are 3 parts to life: past, future, and present.

1.       The past won’t change.

2.       The future is a collection of possibilities (many of which seldom manifest).

The present is when you can write your life story – one choice at a time. 

Living is cyclical

1.       Sunup – Sundown

2.       No moon – Full moon

3.       Seasons: Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall

Body, Mind and Spirit Connection

1.       Physical (Your body’s form and function)

2.       Mental (Your mind’s intellect and ingenuity)

3.       Spiritual (Your spirit’s curiosity, discernment and discretion)

Choices you make - in the present - have binary possibilities.

 You will experience either:

1.       an intended consequence,

2.       or an unintended consequence.

There are no magic bullets to fix what you’ve broken.

Barring accidents at birth, accidental injury, or infection. It always boils down to 1 or a combination of 3 things .

1.       dietary and/or biochemical consumption,

2.        physical abuse of their bodies,

3.       mental or emotional stress.

I’ve spent the last 30+ years helping people wrestle with unintended consequences of their choices using holistic methods to uncover mismatches between their expectations and reality along with lifestyle medicine to help restore the equilibrium to their body/mind/spirit connection. 

Life is simple, but it’s not easy if you don’t know the rules.

Charles Swindoll, Evangelic Pastor, author, and educator hit the nail on the head when he wrote, “Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it." The first prerequisite for Holistic Health and Healing is stop what you’re doing – start learning.

A row of books with one that says life is linear living is cyclical

My portfolio of Holistic Lifestyle Medicine books and booklets explains the rules and provides options for what and how to rebound if you’ve gone astray. 

The cover of a book titled life is linear living is cyclical.

For example, after reading another of my holistic health and healing books, Life is Linear, Living is Cyclical,  Marie Lewis, Senior Literary Agent, Christian Faith Publishing wrote: If I had to sum it up in one short sentence, that would be:  Your book is a timeless wealth of spirit, soul and great wisdom.

     (Learn more about Life is Linear, Living is Cyclical. )

It is a book about creating radiant health.

Another example: Creating Radiant Health now in 2nd edition, has been described as the Owner’s Manual for the Care and Maintenance of the Body. Others say, “You should receive this book the day you are born.” Coauthored by Jeanie Traub, Creating Radiant Health is Jeanie’s heart-warming success story as she learned and applied the rules for living the linear life after her terminal diagnosis 25+ years ago.  (learn more about Jeanie’s story )

A row of books with one that says life is linear living is cyclical

These and the other books and booklets in my portfolio are inexpensive, easy to read and understand. I know they will become a cherished addition to your heath, healing and well-being library. 

I cordially invite you to invest in learning how to protect and enhance your body, mind and spirit connection to help ease your journey down your life’s path - healthfully. 

(Dr. Lucas' Portfolio of Holistic Health and Healing Books and Booklets)

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