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Creating Radiant Health

Frank Lucas • November 30, 2024

Traub and Lucas’ guide, Creating Radiant Health, Key to Releasing the Healing Powers Within, offers a self-help program that focuses strongly on a healthy diet.  Throughout this book, the authors encourage readers to take personal responsibility and be proactive about their own health. Their core lesson is to consider the effects of each action on one’s body and realize that “it is easier to stay healthy than to become healthy.” 

Creating Radiant Health, Key to Releasing the Healing Powers Within looks beyond traditional medicine to explore key holistic principles used to help promote natural healing and maintain health.  When diagnosed with terminal leiomyosarcoma cancer in 2000, with the prognosis of a few months to live, author Jeanie Traub had already suffered from a range of neurological disorders, transient ischemic attacks and ovarian cysts. A lack of knowledge about health almost killed her, she writes . . .

Drawing upon personal experiences with cancer and hypoglycemia, this book , Creating Radiant Health, Key to Releasing the Healing Powers Within, speaks to those who feel they may have been “poisoned by the chemicals in packaged, preserved, and processed foods” or failed by expensive, ineffective medications. It proposes an alternative approach to seeking health, proffering instructions for maintaining cleanliness, lists of parasites to avoid, suggestions for achieving acidity-alkalinity balance . . .

Announcing: An Inclusive 3 in 1 Book Bundle

After 10 years, it was time to update and expand the wisdom contained in Creating Radiant Health. So, I did. Today, Creating Radiant Health is available individually or combined with the newest comprehensive  3 in 1 book, Holistic Lifestyle Medicine Made Simple

First, I added , A View of Health, the body’s regeneration factory to remind or introduce the reader to how the body maintains and protects itself.

Then, framing the updated, holistic health and natural healing book, Creating Radiant Health,

I added Lifestyle Mapping, chart your path for living healthfully, to enhance the 3 in 1 bundle with a tool that helps the reader identify, either proactive choices to help protect or maintain itself, or reactive options to identify and change the choices that are contributing to their chronic complaints, declining or failing health. 

A collection of books including one titled create radio health

Living Life

Today, trying to survive, let alone flourish, in the constant barrage of opinions and “science says” is challenging for some and sadly impossible for others. 

What if – there’s one place where you could find information to help guide you out of this barrage of confusion? A source for information that has stood the test of time, that doesn’t change with the actions and motives of strangers, has guided multitudes and generations of people through the ebbs and tides of their lives?

What if – there’s a source to help guide you to that source is in 2 books?  Would you read them?

Life is Linear, Living is Cyclical is that book to help guide you out of the land of confusion.

Living Life

Today, trying to survive, let alone flourish, in the constant barrage of opinions and “science says” is challenging for some and sadly impossible for others. 

What if – there’s one place where you could find information to help guide you out of this barrage of confusion? A source for information that has stood the test of time, that doesn’t change with the actions and motives of strangers, has guided multitudes and generations of people through the ebbs and tides of their lives?

What if – there’s a source to help guide you to that source is in 2 books?  Would you read them?

Life is Linear, Living is Cyclical is that book to help guide you out of the land of confusion.

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