Selfcare – the Forgotten Knowledge
Thanks for reading my last note. I appreciate your comments and the orders!
As hoped for, the 2 books, Life is Linear, Living is Cyclical and Holistic Lifestyle Medicine Made Simple, are being discovered. Affordably priced and easy to read, they’re getting into the hands of people searching for the information nestled between the beautiful covers. Thanks again!
I’ve been at this for more than 30 years. After counseling untold numbers of clients and creating their holistic health and healing protocols, their trap boils down to a 3-part movie plot:
"Not me - Why me - Poor me”
The forgotten or never learned knowledge
of the body, mind and spirit connection.
Charles Swindoll, Evangelic Pastor, author, and educator is often quoted. He writes, “Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it."
There’s an age-old axion is “Ignorance is bliss”.
It’s a lie! The truth is: "What you don't know can hurt you."
The sequel to the first movie is:
“Life is simple – when you know the rules.”
If in doubt, stop digging – start learning
Like all good movies, the hero and/or heroine ride happily into the sunset afterwards.
I tried my best to share what I've learned – and taught my clients: Love your body and it will love you back to help them to become the star in their movie. <<more>>
I know these Holistic health and healing books can become the cornerstone of your library and I hope you’ll share the good news they contain with other who need this information.
Just remember it’s never too soon to know this stuff – but it can be too late.
For more information
How to become the person you’ve only imagined
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