Occam's razor is a scientific and philosophical rule “plurality should not be posited without necessity.” The principle gives precedence to simplicity: of two competing theories, the simpler explanation of an entity is to be preferred.
Occam's Razor In Practice
When GOD wanted to create fish, HE spoke to the sea,
When GOD wanted to create a tree, HE spoke to the Earth.
But, when GOD wanted to create man, HE turned to Himself.
Then GOD said, “Let us make man in our image and in our likeness.”
If you take a fish out of water, it will die.
When you remove a tree from the soil, it will also die.
Likewise, when man is disconnected from GOD, man dies.
GOD is our natural environment.
We were created to live in HIS presence.
We must be connected to HIM because it is only in HIM that life exists.
Let us stay connected to GOD.
We recall that water without fish is still water, but fish without water is nothing.
The soil without a tree is still the soil, but the tree without soil is nothing.
GOD without man is still GOD, but man without GOD is nothing.
This poem remined me that there’s a classic prayer, the Optimists Prayer, that is recited widely around the Christian world. It is: “God, grant me the ability to change the things I can change, ignore the things I can’t and the wisdom to know the difference.”
The congregants are asking for some things they already have, or should have - a conscience (a sense of right and wrong), common sense (an intuitive danger warning signal) and free will, making choices that only offer a binary outcome - turning out either expectedly or suffering through unintended consequences of your choice.
Humans, using curiosity and ingenuity, blessed with complex language and writing skills, have taken us into a world that would be unrecognizable to our forefathers - for better and for worse.
Along the way, neglecting the fundamentals of life – which haven’t changed.
Facts are the sun still rises and sets, the moon and seasons cycle, the weather is fickle, living organisms are conceived, live and die. The Fundamentals haven’t changed.
My intention during my career was, and now through my books, is to simplify what appears to be difficult. So, here goes.
Humans haven’t become the most successful species on Earth by accident.
Our ancestors drank water, ate natural plants and animals they hunted, gathered together and raised children.
They slept when the sun set, rested when they were tired, respected other species, their lands adapting to it and the seasons, formed bands of kindred souls, followed and enforced their laws, married and raised children.
Our ancestors were good at it too - we’re the proof – and we’re alive and kicking!
Some would say “It’s in your genes”. I say, “Your ancestors successfully managed their physical, emotional and spiritual connection.”
“The more things change the more they stay the same”. We’ve decided to trade the human success story for fast, easy and convenient. The consequences are we’re living sicker longer and enjoying life less!
“To change the way things are, you must change the things you do.”
Are you your own worst enemy?
What if there’s an easy to read and inexpensive to own source to help guide you out of this land of confusion? Would you read them? Well, here they are!
Lifestyle Medicine Made Simple, methods, strategies and techniques is the owner’s manual for the care and maintenance of your body. << Review & Order >>
Life is Linear, Living is Cyclical, a guide for living life helps guide you out of this land of confusion, propaganda and manipulation. << Review & Order
My portfolio of Holistic Lifestyle Medicine books and booklets explain the rules and provide you options for what and how to rebound if you’ve gone astray.
Choices Have Consequences
that's how life gets in the way of living.
Living Life
Today, trying to survive, let alone flourish, in the constant barrage of opinions and “science says” is challenging for some and sadly impossible for others.
What if – there’s one place where you could find information to help guide you out of this barrage of confusion? A source for information that has stood the test of time, that doesn’t change with the actions and motives of strangers, has guided multitudes and generations of people through the ebbs and tides of their lives?
What if – there’s a source to help guide you to that source is in 2 books? Would you read them?
Life is Linear, Living is Cyclical is that book to help guide you out of the land of confusion.
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