Unlock the body’s health and healing powers
The books and booklets are intended to help demystify the simple truths you need to know to help support your body’s ability to improve your health and well-being and smooth your journey through life.
They are affordable, easy to read and understand books and booklets that are compiled and organized according to the reader’s interests or needs, ranging from how the body works to the mind-body connection to the reader’s responsibilities when protecting or restoring their most valuable assets—their health and well-being.
Who among you believes . . .
You will suffer from failing health?
Healthier Than Your Parents
Until recently, it was believed that each subsequent generation would be in better physical shape than the preceding generation.
Living Longer – Suffering More – Paying More
The statistics show about 50% of you will suffer and ultimately succumb to one of these indignities: Cancer, Diabetes, Stroke, Heart Attack, or Cardiovascular Disease.
Somehow, over time, we’ve misplaced the fundamental rules for the care and maintenance of our bodies—or we never knew them in the first place. This blind spot carries a high price when your Health Span Doesn’t Match Your Life Span!
Match Your Health Span to Your Life Span
How to Match Your Health Span to Your Life Span, ...a Guide for Holistic Health & Healing, e xamines and rekindles those fundamental rules—and provides practical tactics you can implement to improve the likelihood that you will be able to match your health span with your life span.
PDF: $8.97
Disclaimer: This is a PDF file and not a physical book
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